Thursday, March 13, 2008

International Students

Life is crazy when you're an international student! I really feel for them. Every department will tell you something incorrect or just not answer your questions appropriately.

You'll probably run around campus in the California summer heat, have a stroke, maybe a migraine and a couple heart attacks by the time you get the correct answer. And even then, it won't be the answer you had expected because everyone else you spoke to earlier said something different. At this time, alzheimer's might start kicking in.

Wait, I think every student encounters this craziness! Whether you're international, national or local, it is no different. Nonetheless, international students do get the deep-rough end.


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My Photography

My flickr account is now open for viewing. Here's the link:

Enjoy and comments/tips are always welcome!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Cooking a hot dog...differently

Step 1: Things you will need





Step 2: Getting the Show on the Road

1. Drink up your Pepsi (coke, 7up, or whatever you drink).
2. Wash the can.
3. With your new scissors, tilt your soda can horizontally and cut a decent amount sized square in the middle.
4. Line the inside of your soda can with the aluminum foil you bought.
5. Take 1 or 2 hot dogs and p
lace them inside the can on the aluminum.
6. Place the soda can, with the hot dog, in bright sunlight for a couple hours (keep checking on your hot dog).
7. Once cooked by the sun's heat, throw away the soda can (or reuse it) and eat your hot dogs.

**The above experiment was performed by me and my classmates in 6th grade. It was quite successful and yummy. However, not everyone enjoyed it.