Thursday, April 17, 2008

Feeling the Pressure

May 21st is just around the corner and I want to be miles away from it right now! Yet, there's no escaping this date.

May 21st is my university graduation and at this moment, I'm so (to the power of infinity) stressed out - physically, mentally and emotionally.

First of all, the amount of work on my plate is building up. I finish one thing, something else takes the spot on that plate. It just wont end! I have homework and projects left and right and they NEED to be completed...very soon!

I don't have time for much these days. School-work-work-school. That's my five-day-a-week pattern. During the weekends, I get to relax a little, but my mind is always stressing about school. So my poor little brain doesn't get the needed rest!

Second of all, I'm mentally drained. I'm losing my memory as I slowly near graduation. For some odd reason, I can never remember anything these days. Ask me on a Monday what I did on the weekend, and I'll be honest when I mumble, "I don't know."

Shit! I really can't remember much. No wonder I don't retain much of the information I read for class these days. And hey, I've been on top of my readings! I haven't let that slip...just yet!

Thirdly, I'm just so torn emotionally. As much as I complain about school, these years are never going to be relived--EVER! Scary though!

I've been in school since I was 5 and now as a 21 year old, I find myself repeating, "I'm not ready yet." Then faintly, I hear my friend Alyssa's voice: "Yes Rub, you are ready! And you're going to do great."

This is what I'm going to miss. Sitting in class, messing around, bugging my friends and professors. These experiences! It's never going to be the same and that makes me a really, really sad girl. :(

Anyhow, enough ranting. I need to get myself together. I must end this blog positively.

Although I'm completely drained, it's a good-kind-a-drained! I'm going to miss every bit of this drainey (I like inventing new words) lifestyle. In the process I love everyone I have encountered this year (there are a few exceptions).

It's been wonderful. Let's keep it at that!

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