Monday, March 12, 2007

Children = Innocence

Children really are amazing souls. They have the biggest and purest hearts. Their kisses are genuine and their love is so open that it will embrace anything and everything. They are so carefree and open to experiences; they're willing to accept a person regardless of who he or she is and will never judge them. All they want to do is play and have a good time.

These were just some thoughts running through my mind as I was driving back home after babysitting. It's really fascinating watching children and their thought process. Whenever I sit down and feed them, I watch them. Some are quiet, some are loud. Some finish their food early, some just leave food in their mouth and forget to chew. Then there are those who play with their food. Regardless of all the mess they make, they really make me glow and I personally enjoy sitting down with them, feeding them no matter how long it takes, playing their creative little games, and acting like a child myself. All this really helps me connect to all the positive things available to me

Here's a conversation that played on today.

After watching a character act like a rock n' roll star on Sesame Street:
S (6):
I'm gonna be a rockstar.
Me (Ruby): Oh, I know you have a guitar, but you need to get the outfit.
S: I already have an outfit. I'm gonna have my own band.
Me: Oh, oh, can I play the drums for you?
S/J (3): Daddy's gonna play the drums.
Me: What can I play then?
S: You're not in the band. You're too old. But daddy can play. Only three boys are allowed; Daddy, J and L (1).
Me: Can I play the saxophone or piano or violin?
S: I guess so. But it's only girls.
J: And me, daddy and L. And also Ruby (me)

That's just one of our conversations. Pure innocence!

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