Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Um, gross

My feature writing class can sometimes be dull, but the professor isn't so bad. In fact, she's a really nice lady.

In the lab, I usually sit next to my friend J and so today he was a little late. Because of that, another student from the class ended up taking his spot. Now this guy, he's so hairy it hurts. Don't get me wrong, I like guys with facial hair and all that, but to a certain extent. I mean this guy's beard is so full and thick, that it's gross. Not only that, he just doesn't carry himself right; his hair is a mess, his beard is a mess (not trimmed), and there's hair in other parts of his body (above the belt) that should be, at least....tamed.

Anyhow, so today I was sandwiched between him and a girl who's loud. Fun! At one point in class, this "hairy guy" and the professor are having a conversation about the profile he's going to be writing and what angle he's going to take. All of a sudden, he starts drinking his water and as soon as Prof. M says something, he does a SPIT TAKE! Yah no joke. I think he missed her by an inch, but it made me dislike him even more. Now I understand he didn't do it on purpose, but he didn't even have the decency to say "I'm so sorry." He just laughed it of and went about talking. Not to mention, she looked grossed out.

I was sitting there, grossed out of my mind. I had lost any respect for this guy and I really don't like him, nor do I enjoy him sitting next to me. So J, please come early to class next time, please!

On a lighter note, this a conversation that took place about, I would say, a week ago.

Me walking down the hall in the Journalism building to get to class, J coming to class from the other side:

J: Hey. (Looking down at my feet) What is this, some kinda soccer club (commenting on my my adidas sandals).
Me: No! It's a warm day and there's nothing wrong with sandals. How come you never wear sandals?
J: Because sandals are for gay people.

I know that sounds so wrong, but it really made me laugh. On a side note, J loves shoes. Not any kind of shoe, but some skating shoes and specifically Nike SB Dunks. His collection is quite marvelous and it continues to grow. Every time I see him, he's got a new pair on.

He's an addict.

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