Thursday, September 13, 2007

Show Your Support!!!

The U.S Women's National (Soccer) Team is in China right now for the 2007 Women's World Cup.

As a fan of the greatest team in the world, I would like to wish them all the best and a lot of success so they come back home with the Gold!!

Good luck ladies!

And all you fans out there, show your support by doing what you do already, cheering for a great team.

Con Amor,

Friday, May 18, 2007

Who you start your life with.

It's amazing. The people who you start your life with, as a child, somehow manage to be in your life forever. You may or may not be best friends with them, but you might be in touch with them, or you might notice how much of an impact they have left in your tiny little world.

As I slowly find more and more friends through facebook, all those I went to elementary, middle, and high school with, I'm realizing how much their presence altered me and just knowing that I'm in touch with them, makes me miss my past life. It makes me realize we'll never be 5 again, but at the same time, I know we'll still be together in the future.

With that, there's a huge sense of comfort. So, a toast to all of you my lovely friends. I'm glad you were present in my past, are with me at this moment, and will be in the future.


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

At Every Corner of The Earth / World

Wherever you go, whenever you do, you'll find that love blooms at every corner of the earth. You can travel million miles around the world and you'll find love. Whether it's a couple, parent, place, animal, memories, or even a belonging, they all involve love...they all grow and enhance from and with love.

Even in the darkest places and places that are so deep that you can't reach, love will be present there in some form. In the end, it's what connects us all to one another and to ourselves.

We are all connected through love!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

To Be A Woman

It's really amazing to be a woman. With all the negativities (hormones and what not) aside, we get the chance to have a person grow inside of us for nine months.

Ya, I know a lot comes with it--stretch marks, morning sickness, tons of pain, etc--but to be able to know and comprehend that there's a life inside us, must be just an amazing feeling (I'm at a loss for words).

Women are amazing souls; our body does so much work in nine months...something / work no man can ever even compare to.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Pretty Amazing

It's pretty amazing and scary when your 4-year-old nephew starts singing "I wanna love you" and "Smack that."

I was in shock and utter disbelief.

His poor 4-year-old mind has been infected with...well, crap!


Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Do many of you out there longboard? Cuz, you really should.

I bought my first skateboard when I moved to America in 2001 after being totally in love with the PlayStation Tony Hawk games. My first board, was a really cheap one; I think it was about $25. Anyhow, I taught myself to ride and turn, but I've always failed in doing tricks. Yup, that's right, I can't even do an ollie. I've tried a million times.

So, after riding and falling numerous times, I really stacked my board away in the garage, taking it out on occasions just for fun. It wasn't until I joined university that I bought two new boards. This time they were longboards.

So many people on campus here either ride bikes, skateboards, or longboards. I was really attracted to the longboards and I ended up buying a Sector 9 Tree Hugger (white-women's series), early last year. This board is long; I believe the length is 40 inches. So I began using it on campus and it's been amazing. The feeling I get when I'm riding real fast is thrilling. Sometimes I even spread out my arms and let the wind pass underneath them. It's absolute freedom.

For now, I have stopped riding my Tree Hugger board. The end of last year, I ended up buying a smaller board (for nicer, curvier turns); this one is the Sector 9 Cosmic Series is about 34 inches in length. It's slightly different because it's more agile, smaller, curvier and I've been riding this one now. It's just awesome and a really smooth ride.

You all should try it. Get some wind under your arms to get a slight taste of freedom.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

E.E. Cummings knew love!

i carry your heart with me
(i carry it in my heart)
i am never without it
(anywhere i go you go,my dear;
and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling)
i fear no fate
(for you are my fate, my sweet)
i want no world
(for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;
which grows higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart
(i carry it in my heart)

E.E. Cummings

Beautiful, simply beautiful!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Um, gross

My feature writing class can sometimes be dull, but the professor isn't so bad. In fact, she's a really nice lady.

In the lab, I usually sit next to my friend J and so today he was a little late. Because of that, another student from the class ended up taking his spot. Now this guy, he's so hairy it hurts. Don't get me wrong, I like guys with facial hair and all that, but to a certain extent. I mean this guy's beard is so full and thick, that it's gross. Not only that, he just doesn't carry himself right; his hair is a mess, his beard is a mess (not trimmed), and there's hair in other parts of his body (above the belt) that should be, at least....tamed.

Anyhow, so today I was sandwiched between him and a girl who's loud. Fun! At one point in class, this "hairy guy" and the professor are having a conversation about the profile he's going to be writing and what angle he's going to take. All of a sudden, he starts drinking his water and as soon as Prof. M says something, he does a SPIT TAKE! Yah no joke. I think he missed her by an inch, but it made me dislike him even more. Now I understand he didn't do it on purpose, but he didn't even have the decency to say "I'm so sorry." He just laughed it of and went about talking. Not to mention, she looked grossed out.

I was sitting there, grossed out of my mind. I had lost any respect for this guy and I really don't like him, nor do I enjoy him sitting next to me. So J, please come early to class next time, please!

On a lighter note, this a conversation that took place about, I would say, a week ago.

Me walking down the hall in the Journalism building to get to class, J coming to class from the other side:

J: Hey. (Looking down at my feet) What is this, some kinda soccer club (commenting on my my adidas sandals).
Me: No! It's a warm day and there's nothing wrong with sandals. How come you never wear sandals?
J: Because sandals are for gay people.

I know that sounds so wrong, but it really made me laugh. On a side note, J loves shoes. Not any kind of shoe, but some skating shoes and specifically Nike SB Dunks. His collection is quite marvelous and it continues to grow. Every time I see him, he's got a new pair on.

He's an addict.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Children = Innocence

Children really are amazing souls. They have the biggest and purest hearts. Their kisses are genuine and their love is so open that it will embrace anything and everything. They are so carefree and open to experiences; they're willing to accept a person regardless of who he or she is and will never judge them. All they want to do is play and have a good time.

These were just some thoughts running through my mind as I was driving back home after babysitting. It's really fascinating watching children and their thought process. Whenever I sit down and feed them, I watch them. Some are quiet, some are loud. Some finish their food early, some just leave food in their mouth and forget to chew. Then there are those who play with their food. Regardless of all the mess they make, they really make me glow and I personally enjoy sitting down with them, feeding them no matter how long it takes, playing their creative little games, and acting like a child myself. All this really helps me connect to all the positive things available to me

Here's a conversation that played on today.

After watching a character act like a rock n' roll star on Sesame Street:
S (6):
I'm gonna be a rockstar.
Me (Ruby): Oh, I know you have a guitar, but you need to get the outfit.
S: I already have an outfit. I'm gonna have my own band.
Me: Oh, oh, can I play the drums for you?
S/J (3): Daddy's gonna play the drums.
Me: What can I play then?
S: You're not in the band. You're too old. But daddy can play. Only three boys are allowed; Daddy, J and L (1).
Me: Can I play the saxophone or piano or violin?
S: I guess so. But it's only girls.
J: And me, daddy and L. And also Ruby (me)

That's just one of our conversations. Pure innocence!